Psychic Readings

How the Umana Technique Accelerates Spiritual Growth

About Umana

"Imagine receiving a hug from God and having your eyes opened to your soul. "

Umana Technique is a tool for enlightenment to bring humanity into the next stages of consciousness and growth.

 It is described as “evolutionary engineering.”

 You know we live in times of rapid change, with increased electromagnetic energy on the planet and massive transformation at all levels of consciousness as we move into the Golden Age.

This technique activates those parts of you ready to step up to be part of the new consciousness and moves you into a greater sense of purpose and well-being.

 This hands-on healing/activation re-connects you to Chakras 8 – 12, which reside outside the physical body and align you with divine consciousness. This process can be done no matter where you are on the planet. We must both set aside the time required simultaneously.

This technique opens a new meridian system, activating those chakras designed to assist with personal and soul growth and evolution.

 You will know if this feels right for you, especially if you’ve been on the path of self-discovery healing, and awakening.


Most experience….

 *A renewed and increased sense of perception and spiritual wisdom.


*Feelings of being “on” purpose and having a clear direction.

*A greater sense of connection, with dormant talents and capabilities surfacing and old projects long forgotten, being reignited.

*Past life gifts are reawakened in subtle ways that will surprise you.

*A sense of seeing beyond time and space for answers, insights and healing.


Imagine being able to

  • Feel calm no matter what’s going on
  • Have a deep sense of “knowing”
  • Think clearly and have the energy and focus for your goals
  • Feel connected, vital and energised



How does a 90-minute face-to-face session with Suzie work?

During your Umana Session Suzie will share thehp effect of the chakrasactivates the new meridian system which in turn activates Chakras 8 - 12.


What do you need to do?

Show up ready for change..

The session itself does not involve any guidance or removal of energy blockages as it is a specific hands on activation technique. There will be discussion before and after around where you are on your spiritual path and guidance given there.

Typical results

Even clients who receive sessions via distance report feeling the energy fkowing in new ways.

Expect to

Be more of the observer of dramas, not feeling the need to get involved to fix

Be surprised as long held limiting patterns if thoughts and feelings fall away

Experience a deeper sense of knowing about what is right with the courage to say NO 

Be more in tune with your soul's purpose enabling you to contribute in the way that serves you and humanity

Receive clearer guidance from your soul and your spirit team


Book your face to face or remote session here