Psychic Readings

Channeled Readings

Be Inspired by Messages from Spirit about Your Soul's Purpose

Susan's Channel

There are Ascended Masters who stand by ready to help you with words of wisdom, healing, and love. Susan Channels Mother Mary, The Magdalene (Mary Magdalene), the Bhodisattava (Quan Yin ), Uriel, Michael, and others who may choose to step forward for you. Your reading may be from one Ascended Master or more.

When Susan tunes into you, the Light Being ready to connect with you will step forward and bring you what you need to hear so you can live with more clarity and purpose.

These readings carry a healing vibration to assist you in understanding more about who you really are.

These readings are sent to you as a recording so you can listen and listen again allowing the transmission of energy to be passed into your light body as it activates closer to its divine blueprint.  

Readings can take anything up to 2 weeks from the date of payment,

Once you've paid, Susan will email you with what is required so please check your spam folder if you don't see the email within 24 hours of payment.

You will receive a channeled reading bringing higher wisdom about who you are and your divine purpose. You will receive a 20-minute Zoom session after you've listened to the reading to go through any questions or discuss current life challenges and opportunities. The channeled section of the reading will include a Lightbody activation to assist you in moving closer to your truth.

The current turnaround time for readings is a maximum of 3 weeks.

If you have any questions please email Susan at [email protected]

The channeled reading is different from psychic and Mediumship readings. These are done via Zoom or in person on the Gold Coast and you can book on this link. 

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