Unlock The Power of Your Psychic DNA For a Life of Limitless Success - Discover the Real Truth of Who You Are & What You Can Achieve!

Imagine Trusting Yourself


Tired of doubting yourself. 
Want to trust in your decisions?
Discover how to access your truth with clear visions, signs, messages, and feelings. 

Imagine Seeing For Yourself


Ready to open your third eye?

See like a clairvoyant for accurate visions!

Activate your seeing centre and access universal wisdom.

Imagine Connecting with Spirit 


You are not meant to do it alone!

Help is always available.

Engage your Spirit Team to guide you on your unique path to fulfilment & success.

Unlock the Power of Your Psychic DNA & Live a Limitless Life!


Discover Your True Purpose, Manifest Your Dream Relationship & Career, Create Financial, Success Using the Power of Psychic & Intuitive Skills.


  • Intuition is the missing link that gives you the answers you are looking for.
  • Imagine having crystal clear guidance for yourself.
  • Imagine helping others find their power.
  • Develop professional-level intuitive skills and activate your true potential. Determine the way you want to live, love, and work.
  • Create financial, emotional, and physical freedom by using intuitive psychic skills.

Be A Modern Day Intuitive 


The Modern-Day Intuitive lives life with a deep and full connection to self, source, spirit, and others. Evolution is part of your everyday experience.

Using highly developed intuitive skills, answers flow in effortlessly.

  • You have rock-solid trust that life supports you.
  • You stand taller with the confidence to question your beliefs and find new ones.
  • You know how to dissolve any roadblocks with your own key to the Universe 

    This is the Modern Day Intuitive.

You might have a career where you know using your intuition will help you nail issues and tick more boxes.

You might be at a crossroads and ready to find who you really are and live authentically.

Maybe you are following your soul path and want the next level of success? Imagine your book on the shelf, your artwork in the gallery, your dream coming into technicolor reality.

You may be ready to truly open your heart and experience a deep soul connection with yourself and a partner



The key to your intuitive success is following the step-by-step training videos that ensure results.

Step-by-step training is vital so you master the building blocks of intuition which are practical psychic skills combined with a strong meditation practice.

Building your new skill set takes time as you are awakening different parts of your mind and your body.

Coaching is available as an optional extra so you can ask questions, and get much more from the program with individual teaching from Susan.

The program can bring up all your fears and doubts, and it's normal to feel as though "it won't work for me."

In the coaching sessions, there are always breakthroughs. Susan unlocks any chains that have been holding you back and gives you the keys to success. 

With this program, you cannot fail if you apply yourself and take up the support if it's needed.

Every area of your life will improve as you trust the answers you tap into. 


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Advanced Modules

Additional Modules for those who want to develop Mediumship and/or work as a professional Intuitive. These are offered on completion of the course as an additional resource

  • One-Time Investment $497 AUD


  • Join today and get immediate access to the training. 
  • 8 x Personal Coaching Sessions to fully support your learning & growth are available. (offered at checkout for additional investment)
  • The Coaching Package includes 2 x Bonus Sessions, one at the start to set you up for the best experience, and one at the end to bring it all together and guide you to the best use of your skills.
  • 6 months email support to answer any questions
  • Free KAJABI app so you can access the program on any device


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Still Unsure?


  •  Book a 20-minute discovery call with Susan so you can ask any questions and start your journey with complete confidence.
Book a 20 minute Discovery Call

 This journey will build your skills and change your life. 

STEP-BY-STEP on-demand video training below. 

Be supported with 10 x one-on-one coaching sessions with Susan as an optional extra.

Breakthroughs always happen in sessions with Susan.


Gaye M NSW

I had long been curious about my sense of intuition but not sure at all of how to make it ‘work’ for me. Susan’s program opened up my awareness of my very precious qualities and relationship with ME.
I came to understand the beliefs and fears that were holding back the real, happy, fun me. They sort of melted away into oceans of wonderful love and light - and freedom just to be ME.
I am now on the life path that is bringing me happiness and abundance - and what I now have discovered is beyond any ideals I previously thought mattered. 
Best of all it was a very gentle experience where I was divinely supported by Susan and her ‘team’.
Very grateful.  Thank you so much Susan.


One-Time Investment $497 AUD

  • Join today and get immediate access to the training.
  • With the Coaching Package, receive personalised support and breakthrough any doubts or fears with  Susan.
  •  Never pay any more and best of all, you get to create the life you want.
  • Your best life is waiting for you.
  • Receive all the support you need to succeed as an Intuitive who never doubts or stays in the shadows
Join Here

Lynsey T QLD

Susan’s Intuitive Program has been life-changing for me.

My job, relationship, friendships, and family life are all richer, more rewarding, and in greater alignment with my highest good.

I have let go of unhealthy relationships, have left a job I didn’t enjoy, have started my own business, and am on the path to understanding my soul’s purpose.

I have let go of blocks and been given tools to support my personal growth and the ability to make empowered choices. This course is transformative, I highly recommend it!


I have always been aware of my intuition and spirituality and was feeling a strong calling to explore this further. I had started searching for guidance but was not satisfied.

Then Susan entered my life and I knew I had found my mentor.

Susan's program helped me explore my motivations and way of being in the world through extensive inner work, healing and reflection.

Under Susan's mentorship, I further developed my intuitive abilities to a much deeper level. I now live a fully intuitive life. I am constantly aware of the many synchronicities that occur and my constant guidance and connection with spirit.

Susan's program has provided me with the tools to keep exploring and developing myself further. This course really highlighted for me that our connection with the universe is always available to us, we just have to tune into it.

Susan taught me how to do this in a practical and nurturing environment and continues to offer ongoing support and inspiration.